Dr Rhodes and Dr Boudreau discuss STS with Dusty |
Dr. Donald Rhodes
South Texas Innovative Medicine
There has been considerable interest in the Duchenne community regarding a physical therapy system known as Dynatronic STS, (the new machine is called VECTTOR), invented by Dr. Donald Rhodes, who is located in Corpus Christi, Texas. The following is a review of a visit to Dr. Rhodes and some perspective on him and his treatment.
The treatment
Dr. Rhodes has a proprietary machine that passes low frequency electrical current through nerves. He believes that varied electrode pad placement combined with differing beat frequencies allow for treatment of different ailments. The electrodes are hooked up to the strategic nerves in the feet and hands, and send electrical impulses up to the place in the back that controls the sympathetic nervous system.
Here is his working hypothesis
“STS treatments are effective due to a combination of the following aspects of the treatments: low frequency electrical current passing through long sections of nerves; electrode pad placement (including acupuncture and reflexology points); production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate; the choice of the peripheral nerves being stimulated so that there is a cross over effect in the central nervous system; leakage of action potentials from the nerves being stimulated into nerves entering the sympathetic ganglia; the quadrilateral location of the stimulation; creation of action potentials through sympathetic nerve fibers, in the peripheral nerves being stimulated; creation of action potentials in the peripheral nerves being stimulated; activation of the sodium pump in the nerves being stimulated; production of ACTH; production of dynorphins, enkephalins or beta endorphins; creation of IGF-1; and creation and/or production of circulation altering neuropeptides such as vascular intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP).”
Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Boudreau
Dr. Rhodes is an energetic, kindly man in his early sixties. He is a podiatrist. He is passionate about his technology. He says he has seen significant improvements in his patients suffering from RSDS, a chronic pain disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis. He is extremely confident in the treatment’s ability to also help individuals with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy. Dr. Boudreau, also a kindly man, is an orthopedic surgeon and osteopath, and they share a practice and work closely together. They are both disillusioned with the more conventional ways of treating patients with drugs. They believe that the system does not work as well if patients are taking steroids.
Treatment is expensive due to the cost of the machine, time spent with Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Boudreau and travel and accommodation. Dr. Rhodes charges $4,500 for the STS machine and a few hundred dollars for training.
My thoughts
Basically, the STS electrodes electrically stimulate acupuncture, acupressure, and reflexology points, as well as free nerve endings and nerve trunks. Dr Rhodes believes that by improving circulation in the body, the body heals. Growing up in an Asian country, I was exposed to eastern medicine, and familiar with what was being presented. I believe that it provides therapeutic relief for many ailments. Dr Rhodes is taking an ancient eastern tradition and combining it with modern technology.
Dusty is the 18th patient with Duchenne or Becker who is currently using STS. He receives 80 minutes of STS/VECTTOR treatment twice a day for the first month, and then 80 minutes a day thereafter. It is only Dusty’s 5th day of treatment. So far, I cannot say we have seen any visible improvement and nor does he report any. However, it is still early days, and I remain hopeful that Dusty will benefit. I will be tracking his progress.
Hooked up! |
medtronics implantable spinal cord stimulator which is based on legit science does not make the claims that you are making with this invention i think it is time for the proper authorities to be notified of fraud taking place they do not look kindly on people taking advantage of families with sick children at a time when they are desperate for good news they too will have enthusiasm
I am a patient of Dr. Rhodes. I have had a neurological disorder that left me severely disabled at a young age. As for fraud? The STS already has FDA approval and case studies are posted in medical journals. I am a healthcare professional myself and can understand the concept of the STS through biology, chemistry, and pathophysiology. Thanks to the STS treatments, I am now walking and able to resume a fairly normal life. And the spinal cord stimulator? I tried that treatment, along with all other possible conventional treatments. Nothing worked and the spinal cord stimulator greatly worsened my condition. Dr. Rhodes treatment works…both from my experience as a patient and from my knowledge as a healthcare professional.
cant wait for updates!
I wish all good luck to Dusty. He’s such an amazing, inspiring guy.
Thanks everyone. When we returned from Texas, Dusty caught a cold so we have been doing cold protocols for a few weeks. Now that is over, we have once again started with dmd protocols, and it has only been a week. So far, little change.
I think Dr.Rhodes theory is similar to eastern medicine and it makes sense.Anyway,it’s worth trying and I wish Dusty good luck.You are a brave young man Dusty.
I have Beckers and I was wondering is the STS treatment similar to TENS which is used in Physiotherapy?
TENS refers to Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, it’s a method of electrical stimulation. A form of electrical acupuncture.
TENS does sound similar, but I don’t know much about it.
We still have seen little change. It has been 5 weeks, but we are not giving up, ever!
TENS is a completely different concept from the STS/VECTTOR. TENS is localized and covers the condition for a short time. STS/VECTTOR has a systemic effect and corrects the problem, instead of covering up the root of the problem. Hope that helps some…
I will have an extra VECTTOR unit shortly on my hands– brand new,- the units sell for $4500 and are available ONLY at Doctor Rhodes office. There is now a waiting list to get one there. I’ll sell my VECTTOR unit for $3000– I need to know by this weekend (Tuesday 11/16)may be too late. or I must return it for a credit… Contact pop at popjarvis@gmail.com or
Hello there,
I’m from Malaysia and excited to read all the positive news with the STS Vecttor treatment.
I have FSH (Facioscapulohumeral)dystrophy. Would anyone know if this STS Vecttor treatment would work for me?
as described above it is now a expensive dual inferential electrical therapy applied to feet,knees then hands and elbows
good pain relief that works for many..but no complete cure..
wish it could have come out for $800-1100 as originally voiced by D.R…would have helped many thousands more people…..
Besty of luck to you and your son Dusty! I took my daughter to Dr Rhodes for treatment and had a terrible terrible experience. My daughter established the South Texas Innovative Medicine Disscussion Forum on Facebook to get a balanced discussion on STS treatment. I hope Dr Rhodes treatment is yielding positive results for Dusty. Please join the facebook forum and keep us posted…
We have an 11 year old son with DMD and have been researching this treatment since we first saw it on your blog in September. It has been a while since you updated anything as far as progress. Is Dusty still using the Vecctor? Is it helping?
Sorry about the late reply. After 4 months of using the Vecttor Dusty found no change/results and he decided to discontinue. I know of many who have had positive results but Dusty was not one of them. All the best to everyone.
Thanks for the info. I am a respiratory therapist so I really like to know what a treatment is really doing before I administer it to my patients, so you can imagine I would be the same for my boys. You have cleared up some questions for me( in easier to understand terms than Dr Rhodes explained it. You gave me some things to look up and study on more. Thank you so much. See ya on facebook! Rachelle Orgeron
My 5 year old grandson was just diagnosed with MD and I am considering getting a Vecttor machine (or getting on the waiting list) so I am wondering if your son Dusty has had any positive responses.
My son 10 year old diagnosed with duchennr MD.Please iam desperate ,tell me the Vecttor machine will help my son,I am willing to sell my body part for my littel only one boy,please please respne e-mail me.helmandrocksolid@hotmail.com
I am a 19 year old with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, I will buy a Vecttor Machine no matter what. I live in British Columbia, Canada. I am inquiring for more information about how to get one of these machines.
Go to the Paindefeat website and call clinic. We were told that we had to go to clinic for observation and then machine was purchased. Machine you’ll go home with may be STS machine and Vecttor will come later. Be prepared to stay at clinic for at least two weeks. Depends on condition on how long he will ask you to stay.
$850 day one. $4,500 for machine. $100 a day for treatment and initial training/info/observation.
To make enquiries, you can call the office of Dr Rhodes, 361-992-9432
Daughter was treated in Dec of 2011 for RSD in arms and some in legs. Treatment was a miracle. Pain reduced to almost nothing at clinic and has only gone down since then. Just got word that she is to receive Vecttor machine in less than 2 weeks as unit just passed hurdles for FDA approval. Been using STS unit for last month. THIS HAS BEEN AWESOME TREATMENT FOR MY DAUGHTER. LIFE IS “ALMOST” NORMAL AGAIN FOR HER. Still getting use to having no meds – body not quite use to that yet, but getting there. Daughter could not hold pencil to write a month ago. Now writing and has went out twice in last month to play catch and pitch softball. AWESOME!!!
I had a Medtronic neurostimulator implanted some years ago (probably 5 to 6 years ago), only to have it removed as it was not really helping the horrific pain of RSD/CRPS. I had it removed within a year’s time. I have tried just about everything that is available for pain management. Now I hear about this…and all I can say is that: “THIS IS A SCAM!!!” For those on this site who state that the FDA has given its approval, be aware that the FDA has given approval to all TENS units, which you can buy yourself (online or other places) for even under $100. A TENS unit is helpful to those who suffer with pain, but it does not get rid of the pain. A TENS unit is cumbersome, time-consuming, but it can be a helpful additive to your pain regimen. I GOTTA SAY…I AM SICK & TIRED OF PEOPLE TRYING TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF OTHERS WHO SUFFER WITH SOME OF THE MOST TERRIBLE OF PHYSICAL CONDITIONS. Only another RSD sufferer would understand the intensity of the pain I suffer with. If I ever find a cure and decide to write a book or offer treatment, it’ll be given out for FREE!!!!! Unless you have lived with pain that is so intense that you don’t know how you’re going to get through to your next minute, then you don’t know how truly debilitating, horrific, and terrifying RSD-like pain is. I’m not sorry for saying this…There are so many medical conditions which many people suffer with. I see a lot of “gimmes” online where they get you to read a whole lot of stuff that sounds really good, only to reach the end of a very long story and are then told that you have to buy a book, buy an expensive set of DVDs, buy an expensive unit. I consider ALL of these to be fraudulent claims of treatment. If someone really had a treatment for a medical condition and they held true compassion for their fellow human beings, they would either charge no fee or charge a very nominal fee to cover costs. I know I cannot be alone in my compassion towards others. Please don’t buy into this. Don’t waste your money (thousands and thousands of dollars plus travel time and expense) for something that, to me, looks simply like a TENS unit with just more electrodes. You could do this yourself if you wanted to…just go online and do a search to purchase a TENS or EMS unit, buy two if you are financially capable of doing so, and then follow instructions on where to place the electrode pads and try the different stimulation modes on various areas of your body. I REALLY AM SICK OF SCAMMERS TRYING TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF THOSE WHO FEEL DESPERATE DUE TO WHATEVER MEDICAL CONDITION THEY SUFFER FROM. *Peace* and *Love* to all of you.
Informed the 23 year-old muscular dystrophy patient, which made me completely unable to stand because of the disease resulted in the warp and the problems of the spine in Alvkhaddan and difficulty in breathing Is there hope in the treatment or not and that this medicine is suitable for patients? Please reply as soon as possible
I have known Dr. Rhodes since 2001. Two members of my family and I have been his treated by him. Like any medical treatment, it has been refined and improved over time. I was so grateful for how he relieved my hideous painful and debilitating reaction after a flu shot (I lived in misery for five years) that I wrote a book about him and about some of his patients. I posted it on Amazon. I sell it rather than give it away on Amazon for two reasons. First, a freebie might be perceived as worthless information. Second, that gives me a little cushion to fund the many print copies of the book that I order and pay for and give away free. I know this treatment works for a majority of Dr. Rhodes’ patients. I live in his home town and have spent a lot of time at his clinic over the years, talkIng to patients and seeing with my own eyes what he can do for them. VECTTOR, the upgraded version of the machine, is not a TENS unit. It is a very sophisticated machine that treats the nerves, causing them to produce vital substances deficient in the body of individuals with a variety of neurological problems.